Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We've Got a Big Boy On Our Hands!!!

**Weight Update** My son now weights a whopping 17lbs and 11 ounces! WOW! Last time we went to the doctor (2 months ago) he weighed in at 11 lbs 11 ounces....I think! Sheesh I guess I should write this stuff down somewhere! :) LJ also got two shots and luckily didn't have much of a fever this time around. But he was slightly irritable the rest of the evening yesterday so we put him to bed a little early.

Anyway, my Mom and I were both shocked with his weight gain. LJ is now bigger than 90% of infants his age. But the height department is not so great. He's about 25 inches long....about 25% longer than infants his age. So my lil man still has some growing to do but all in all he's healthy and to me that's all that matters.

So Halloween came and went so fast. Hubs and I wanted to do something for LJ but we thought he was a bit young and it was too cold to take him anywhere. I of course wanted to do the whole pumpkin patch and pumpkin carving, but in the end we settled for just doing some pictures of him in his costume. He of course was a little plump pumpkin! :D *pictures coming soon* LJ did pretty good with the portrait folks at JCPenny but he is a baby so as soon as we were finished he feel right to sleep. LOL.

I was so impressed with the JCPenny that I decided to book our family portraits there for the Christmas holiday. Of course we'll be taking those pictures early to avoid the crowd and to ensure that the Christmas cards are on time! :)

Okay so I have a couple of items for review:

The Bumbo:

So I got mixed reviews on this item which is why it was not on our registry. However, my BFF decided it was a must have so purchased one for LJ anyway. The premise of it is neat...infant gets to sit up and see the world as we see it. BUT LJ will only stay in the Bumbo for about five minutes. Not sure if he gets tired or annoyed but he'll start to lean to the side and then cry. Also, his little legs have gotten so chubby that he can barely get in the Bumbo now. All and all I don't think it's worth the $40.00. Now if someone gives it to you, definitely try it out....but don't run to the store or amazon and get one.

Sophie La Giraffe

Love, love, LOVE this thing! So as stated a while back LJ started pre-teething...basically he drooled so much that we had to start putting bibs on him. Now, he's spitting (Mommy hates this) and I can see the bottom two teeth trying to push through. Now we've tried our share of teething rings but either he couldn't grip them or they were too cold or too hard. This always resulted in a crying baby. So one of my sorority sisters suggest Sophie. After looking at Sophie I was not literally looks like a chew toy for a dog and I should know because we have two dogs. LOL. However, my Mom wanted something as she keeps him during the day and noticed that he was getting very fussy because of his sore gums. We do have oral gel but that only lasts a few minutes and we didn't want to inundate him with it so I broke down and got Sophie. BEST DECISION EVER! LJ loves this thing! He loves that it makes noise, its easier for him to grab onto and literally he can chew or gnaw any part of Sophie! So I HIGHLY recommend Sophie for teething or even pre-teething babies.

Anyway I guess that's it for now. I'll be back to post some of those Halloween pics! Oh and I'll also post 1-4 month pictures!

Also Moms who print photos: check out and join Shutterfly and Snapfish they have some great deals on prints and other items for the holidays.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Privacy Please?!

What up...its been a long time. I've been blogging over at my Mommy Blog. Check it out!

So I was minding my own business this morning when I came across an email from my LS (*waving to HE Fall 03*) and I was really taken a back to what I read! Basically she informed me that someone has loc envy with slightly stalker-ish tendencies.

I clicked on the link to find this woman who showered me with nothing but compliments about my locs. She had obtained an engagement photo of me and my hubby from a newspaper article. We were featured in the Express BIO in 2010. Anyway, I was very flattered and yes I'm not going to lie the ego did boost about 10 points, but what disturbed me was the fact that she saw some of my wedding photos!

YES I posted some photos on FB but I make sure that only friends can see photos and NO ONE sees tagged photos of me. So first its weird that she went out of her way to search for me on FB and then found a loop hole to see my wedding pictures.

So this got me the thinking....can you really truly have privacy in the world we live in? Will you be subject to sharing the most intimate moments of you life? Not cool!

Effective immediately I will be taking down any pictures I have up of my lil guy. Also, I will be double checking my privacy settings on FB and I may even *gasp* leave all together. I'm sorry, its one thing to put things out there for people to see but its another when total strangers have access to your life.

I feel violated! :(

What's Truly Best For Your Baby..?

So in my last blog entry I attempted to solicit help because my little guy was not getting enough sleep and of course neither were my husband and I.

Thankfully my daycare provider (my mommy) noticed this same thing during the day and decided to try to put LJ on his tummy for naps. Eureka! It worked like a charm and LJ has been a tummy baby ever since.

Of course I was worried and started Googling and reading and the bottom line is infants should sleep on their backs; this helps prevent SIDS. So, after reading I was terrified and almost went back to putting LJ on his back but decided to speak with some friends who recently had children. Both told me that their babies slept on their tummies too after a while. They concurred that both of their boys slept better this way.

Well, after talking it over w/ the hubs, we decided that we have to do what's best for our child. Obviously getting more rest is beneficial to him and us quite frankly. Besides now that he rolls (well actually he's been rolling since he was about 2 months) he didn't really sleep on his back anyway. Once babies begin to roll they will always roll to where they feel comfortable.

Further, more research has to be done on SIDS. It's a terrible and horrible thing to not know or understand what causes SIDS babies to stop breathing. My heart goes out to every parent who has had to deal with this. I just personally think that for us, we will go with what WE think is best for our child. There are all kinds of studies out there and some contradict others so its important to do your research.....YES! But you have to put said research into perspective and then make an informed decision and that's what we did.

Oh by the way LJ is 4 months old! He's trying to sit up now...he thinks he's so grown! LOL!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So its been a while...*Hello All* or should I say "few" as that's how many people actually read my blog. Anyway....

LJ is wreaking havoc on my sleeping...hubby sleeps just fine though...LOL (not really). This little boy can't make up his mind as to weather or not he wants to sleep all night. The first few weeks of his young life he slept thought the night, which was truly a blessing. Then little by little he started waking up once around 4-5 am...again..not too bad. However, as of late, we're lucky if we can get him to sleep in his crib. That baby is good at playing possum. You put him down thinking he's asleep and not even 5 minutes later he's up smiling or screaming. *Sigh* In an effort to get some sort of sleep he gets tucked into the bed with me. Bad habit I know but what else is a Mom to do? *Suggestions Please!!!!*

Oh did I mention today is my second day back at the job??? It's okay but of course I'd rather be at home with my little guy. But in this crap economy we definitely need the duel income. Maybe I should play the lotto :) I could really use 41 million....LOL!

Work is work. I'm just here for my family and that's what keeps me showing up here, on time, ready to get things done. I know better things are on the horizon for me and mine, just gotta hang in there and have faith.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Few, Far and In Between

Few, far and in between pretty much sums up the amount of time I have to clean the house, sleep, apply for a new job, blog, cook...well you get the point. However, while many things are being neglected I can't say I regret it. I love spending time with L.J. he smiles a lot more now and every time he does it, its like I'm seeing his smile for the first time. It absolutely melts my heart!

I can't help but wish my maternity leave wasn't coming to an end. I have six more weeks until I go back to work! YIKES! I was actually hoping to not go back to my current employer. But again...few far and in between....describes the amount of jobs in my field...*sigh* Needless to say I feel blessed to still have a job but I can't help but want more for myself and my family. Oh well what can I say I knew my maternity leave would have to come to an end at some point so for now I guess I'll just enjoy the rest of it and try to keep my mind off of work.

So another thing that is few, far and in between is the amount of time I have to pump! Between trying to keep up with L.J. and how often he wants to eat and attempting to suck it up and pump...yikes! I have like zero supply for him for when I return to work. Ugh! At this point I feel like I should be producing at least 3-4 bags a day. Currently I'm only able to do one....hopefully I can figure something out soon or he'll be getting formula while I'm at work and only getting breastmilk when I'm at home. Of course I know breast is best so I'm going to try my hardest to get to pumping.

Welp, duty calls! Sounds like lil man is waking up...*sigh* oh well at least I got a small break :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4 Weeks (1 Month) Old!

L.J.'s doctor's appointment last Friday went well! He weighed a whopping 8lbs and 10 oz.! Gaining weight fast and getting a pop belly! :) His face turned bright red and starting screaming when he got his second Hep B shot. I of course being the protective Mama wanted to punch the nurse in the face but it wasn't her instead of raising my fist I attempted to comfort an upset, red-faced L.J. :(

L.J.'s next doctor's appointment will be when he's 2 months old. Unfortunately he will get two shots :( I'm not sure how I'm going to handle seeing my baby be in double the pain...sigh! Maybe I'll leave the room and let his father handle it. LOL!

Oh and did I mention L.J. sleeps through the night! Yup! He's been doing it for a while but he was inconsistent. Now L.J. goes to bed between 10:30 and 11:30 and sleeps until about 5:30 or 6. Unfortunately a lot of times he doesn't sleep well during the day which wouldn't be so bad but he cries non-stop sometimes because he's sleepy...poor baby! Oh well and this too shall pass :) Right now I'll just be thankful for being able to sleep through the night :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost 1 Month Later....

Mommyhood is kicking my butt! But I must be honest...I love every minute of it...well not every minute. I must admit that the moments that are not so great definitely happen but I always look back on them and laugh. I'm truly thankful and blessed to be a mother to such a wonderful, curious and sweet baby.

Okay here is my list (so far) of must-have's from one new Mama to another:

Graco duo 2-n-1 baby swing (pictured to the left)
Keep it Kleen pacifier (also pictured to the left)
Munchkin/Arm n Hammer Diaper pail (truly a lifesaver)
Aden and Anais muslin wrap blankets (LOVE these)

Of course this is just my list so far...I'll be sure to add to it as my little one grows and I start using various nick knacks and gadgets. But I can't say enough about that Graco swing. It is a total life saver!!! When L.J. gets fussy or gassy I put him in this swing and he can't help but eventually settling down and going to sleep. The swing plays classical music as well as nature sounds; it has a timer and of course various swing settings ranging from 1-6 (6 being a very high swing). Additionally, the seat of the swing detaches and becomes a bouncer. Yesterday this came in handy because L.J. was just not feeling it and so I took the seat out (very easy) and put him on top of the bed and just bounced the seat until he feel asleep. Now I'm not trying to sound like a sales person, nor is Graco paying me for this excellent sales pitch (lol) but this swing was the best decision ever!

Now as for the pacifier...well it closes when it falls on the ground so you don't need to rinse it off. Really though, just be sure to get your newborn a pacifier...otherwise they will use YOU as their pacifier (if you're breastfeeding). L.J. is sometimey when it comes to taking it. I'm going to try a Nuk pacifier and see if he likes that...if not we've run out of options and brands! LOL!

Diaper pails are a personal preference but the one I have is easy to change and I have yet to smell a smelly diaper. I was a little displeased because you can't purchase the refills in a wholesale store like Costco, Sam's or B.J.'s (unlike the diaper genie refills) but Babies R Us has them on sale quite frequently so I just stock up at that time.

The Boppy I could do without at this point since L.J. and I have our breastfeeding positions down but I've noticed that the heavier he gets the more my carpal tunnel in both of my wrists begins to act up so I'm back to the boppy. Unfortunately I can't take it out with me but I guess I'll just have to get some braces for my wrists :(

Aden and Anais blankets are awesome! They are perfect for swaddling (L.J. hated being swaddled...he always managed to get his arms and for going out when you want to protect your little one from the sun or germs. On top of that the blankets are sooooo soft! I absolutely love them! They were not on any of my registries but someone purchased them for us and I'm so glad they did! Awesome blankets!

Anyway....I can't believe a month ago today at this time I was in serious labor pain and got sent home only to go back to the hospital and have my little guy on the date of my scheduled induction! L.J. has his one month doctor's appointment tomorrow. Unfortunately he has to get a shot and I know he's just going to cry his little eyes out *sigh* oh well. It must be done :)

Welp guess I better attempt to keep L.J. on somewhat of a schedule....time to eat!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ilandus Jr. (L.J.'s) Birth Story

It all began around 3:30 pm on Tuesday morning when I woke up totally uncomfortable and slightly in pain. After trying to relieve my bladder for the umteenth time I just stayed up and watched the sunrise turned on the television around 6:00 and watched the news. I fell asleep and woke back up at 8:00 am in serious pain. What I didn't know just yet was that I was having contractions.

Hubby and I started timing contractions around 8:30ish and headed to the hospital after getting the okay from doc around 10:00ish. We got to the hospital triage where I was monitored for about 45 mins. I was told by one of the docs that although I wasn't contracting regularly and was only dilated to 3cm, she would keep me there (my induction date was set for Weds/Thurs) but she wouldn't be able to get me into a labor and delivery room for five hours. *sigh* Further, the doc told me there was no need for me to come into L&D for cervadil to soften my cervix.

Needless to say I was pissed because at this point my contractions were just getting worse and worse and I couldn't imagine holding out til Thursday!!! But having little choice Hubby and I went home and I tried to get some sleep. I slept all of maybe 30 mins to an hour before my contractions became very painful and regular. Hubby and I started timing the contractions around 8:00 pm and headed back to L&D around 10:30. This time they kept me...oh and I was 5 cm!

I got my epidural right away and was instantly comfortable! By this time it was 12:15 am Wednesday morning and I was instructed to get some sleep. Hubby and mom were real troopers and spent the night with me in L&D. My mother in law even showed up later that morning before she headed to work to check on us. Later in the morning I was informed by the nurses that they didn't want to check me any longer because my bag of water was bulging and the doctor had not arrived yet.

So from 12:15 am that morning until about 10:00 am later that morning all anyone knew was I was 5cm. One of my nurses (tired of waiting on the doctor) finally decided to check me and told me I was 9cm (this was at 10:30). When the doctor arrived he broke my bag of water and we discovered the baby made a bowel movement in utero! This is very common but it can also be scary because the baby could aspirate the fluid into his lungs and get a serious infection! So the NICU had to be in the delivery room *sigh* Around 12:00ish I started pushing and an hour later at 1:14 pm my little guy Ilandus Jr. or as we lovingly call him L.J. was born!

L.J. weighed in at 7lbs, 12oz and 20.5 inches long! He wasn't as big as I anticipated him to be (Thank God!). It was love at first sight!
Happy Birthday L.J.!

Finally going home!

L.J. the thinker! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Eureka: The Induction Date

So after waiting all weekend --which by the way seemed like an eternity-- I decided to call my doc's office early this morning and not wait on them to contact know take the proactive approach. Needless to say I did not get a desirable outcome. I ended up being left on hold forever and then to add insult to injury I had to leave the woman who sets up the induction dates with the hospital a message. No problem! I definitely intended to call back. :)

About 2-3 hours later I called back and actually spoke with the nice lady and she told me something I definitely didn't want to hear and that was that the hospital was booked this week and had no room for me for my induction! WTF!!! *SCREAM*

So here I am thinking I'd be 42 weeks before anything popped off and I was not happy about that at all! The only reason I didn't burst into immediate tears is my dear sweet Mom telling me to "get over it." LOL! So I did and we proceeded on our journey of attempting to find some wallpaper to finish redecorating our half-bath downstairs in hubby and I's house.

Once I got home an hour or so later I received another phone call from my doctor's office telling me that there was a cancellation and that my induction was scheduled for THIS WEEK! YES!
I am going into the hospital on Wednesday but I won't start any pitocin until early Thursday morning. So the hope is I'll have a June 23rd or 24th birthday celebration for my little guy! Hubby and I were desperately hoping for a Gemini baby since we're both Geminis but unfortunately that just wasn't meant to be.

Of course ultimately the most important thing here is that our little guys is healthy and will be here in a few short days! Thank you Jesus! We are too excited and overjoyed and can't wait to meet him.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

When Your Due Date Comes and Goes

So its June 18th and yes I am still pregnant! I know I should be thankful and feel blessed to even be pregnant and especially to have a healthy baby who is breathing (yup saw it on the ultrasound). But I can't help but feel over it!

I had a good cry yesterday and my hubby is so sweet he comforted me and told me it will be over soon! He also expressed how he understands my frustration and I how I have a right to feel the way I do. This sentiment made me feel so much better! <3 that man!

At any rate, I will be blowing up my doctor's number come Monday so I can get an induction date. Of course going into labor naturally is always a much better option but at this point, I don't see any benefit to my little guy staying in utero furthermore, I'm tired and would like my body back...well somewhat! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

And the Frustration Sets In...

So I started my maternity leave on the 13th of June (Monday) and not only am I completely bored out of my skull, I'm very frustrated as I thought L.J. would be here by now or I would at least have some serious contractions and be on my way to having him.

Yet I am one day away from my due date and NOTHING has been happening. To add insult to injury I have family and friends calling, texting, etc. daily asking how are you feeling, what's going on, are you still pregnant! UGH! I know they mean well and they are excited to meet our little guy but I'm annoyed!

At this point my biggest fear is that my induction date won't be next week but the following week and I honestly just can't deal with that! I need my baby out in the world now! LOL! I've gone through so much to get to this point and Lord knows I'm blessed and happy to be here but I kinda feel like I've done my part now bring on the baby! LOL. I can't even really enjoy my favorite website The Bump anymore because its filled with birth stories and pictures of babies and all I can think about is....good for you ladies BUT I need my baby now! LMAO!

Anyway, I see the doc tomorrow (on my due date) and I get my last ultrasound. Fingers crossed I get an induction date for next week and we can get this show on the road! Doc seems to think that baby will be about 8lbs and that my labor will go quickly.....all I can say is I hope so!

And now I have to find something to do all day so I'm not bored. Thank God for my parents because if not for them, I'd truly be sitting in the house staring at 4 walls! Gotta love 'em!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nine Days Left!

Yup so I think my doc cursed me! LOL! He told me that I'd probably be one of those patients that have to be induced, which is ironic because I had a cerclage put in due to a shortening cervix.

My uterus has been very quiet. I do believe I had some minor contractions last Saturday but other than that nothing major is going on! UGH! At this point I'm over being pregnant and the thought of going past my due date is slightly freaking me out!

I'm not getting any sleep, I'm hot all the time and I think I'm coming down with a summer cold! Eek! I just want an outside baby, but apparently L.J. is not ready to make his grand entrance. I'm hoping however at my appointment tomorrow that I'll get an induction date. I really don't want to be induced because I'd like to think my body can do something on its own! But, at least I'll have a final date to look forward to because at this point I really really REALLY need an end point in sight!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Change is a Must Growing Up...Not So Much

I'm back! Well not really. I've been cheating on this blog with my other blog. My alternative blog chronicles my journey of pregnancy and of course post pregnancy, motherhood.

Anyway, I had a conversation not too long ago with some folks and was slightly offended about where it ended and or led to. I left the conversation wondering if I was really a dry biscuit? Meaning a person who doesn't really know how to have fun or someone who is too uptight. Yea in my opinion that definitely doesn't describe me.

Personally, I know a lot of people who do a lot of club/lounge hopping, drinking, traveling, etc. Now the latter, traveling, I can totally get with. In fact despite myself and Hubby about to be parents, I definitely think we should do more weekend getaways. And of course, I'd like to do more traveling with my friends. HOWEVER, I draw the line at club/lounge hopping and drinking. Now don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy wine, but I don't get twisted off my ass every weekend just cause. I'm too old for that and quite frankly its just not me. So, call it what you want, I just don't get down like that.

I guess I'm starting to want to involve myself with people who share my interests. Not that I don't have people in my life like that now, but I kinda feel like folks in my life have preconceived notions of me and what I like to do. Not knowing that in true Gemini fashion I change a lot and I change constantly. So, one minute I may not like something and then the next I'm totally into it.

Problem is, I'm not exactly trusting of people so that makes it hard to meet new people and make friends. But I think in order for me to be happy especially going forward I guess I have to take the plunge and be a little more open and trusting of folks. Ugh...good luck to me :) Then again, since I'll be a new Mommy I'm sure I'll be meeting all kinds of new people which will force me to open up and talk to folks. So, I guess I'll look forward to it. :D

Friday, May 27, 2011

Looking like a June Bug After All

So today is my 29th year of life! Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEE! LOL! I guess I better take a nap before Hubby gets home with my cake. I am sooo sleepy these days!

Anyway, after all the cervix worries and everyone predicting that L.J. was going to come on my birthday I am only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. L.J. is nice and comfy and wants to continue to cook so I guess he'll definitely be a June baby. He hasn't even descended into my pelvis yet (dropped).

I'm a little disappointed because I wanted to meet my lil man soon but since I only have 3 weeks until my due date I can hang in there til then. I want L.J. to come when he's good and ready and not a moment before.

Welp, I'm off to take a nap and get some "me" time in before Hubby gets home and takes me out to celebrate.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Dreaded Cerclage Removal

So the title of this blog is purposely misleading. LOL! The cerclage removal was actually very swift and painless. The part I hated most was a actually a tie between the GBS test and the insertion of the speculum. Other than those two, everything went fine. In fact my mother seeing the huge scissors that the Dr. used to remove the cerclage, was more scared than I was. Lucky for me I was totally oblivious to what the scissors looked like.

L.J. is looking to be about a six-eight pound baby. Hopefully he'll be right in the middle at seven pounds. But either way as long as he's healthy I'm happy. Oh and also according to this last doctor's visit I lost eight pounds in a week! Yikes! No idea what's going on with my fluctuating weight! But again, L.J. is healthy and happy (according to doc) so I don't give much thought to my weight going up and down. I guess I'm just weird. LOL!

Anyway so now that the cerclage is gone chances of me going into labor at any point are high. My cervix though not completely incompetent still funnels when pressure is put on it. Now that L.J. is bigger and I'm not on bed rest of any kind chances of him coming early are likely. I'd just like to make it to at least 37 weeks (full term) which is actually next Friday (my birthday). If he comes at any point after that we're out of the woods and L.J. shouldn't have any issues.

So fingers crossed for a full term baby, but not an over-cooked one. I think at this point going beyond 40 weeks is my biggest fear!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Finishing Touches

So I couldn't help posting the finished pictures of the nursery! The shades are up and the chair is assembled and in its place. We also have a 2 and 1 swing/bouncer...I love it! Hopefully L.J. does too.

And now all there's left to do is prep myself mentally for the stitch removal. I had some cramping today but I'm sure its no big deal. Probably just doing too much. I'm in the process now of packing my hospital bag seen as if after the cerclage comes out I have no idea whats going to happen and I guess its better safe than sorry.

These are the outfits I've chosen for my little man to come home in:

Newborn size not sure if he'll be able to fit this so option #2 is:

Anyway I better get back to attempting to pack before I lose all motivation. :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Shower/Nursery and Updates (picture heavy)

So I wanted to blog about the baby shower and nursery a couple of days ago but blogger was on the fritz! Anyway, the baby shower was great! Hubby and I really enjoyed ourselves! We had a sports-themed baby shower, which meant people were supposed to wear the jerseys or hats of their favorite sports team. Some participated and some didn't. But overall the event was fun and light-hearted and we received sooooo many gifts!

Here are a few pics:Me in my Redskins gear!

My Sorors

Men sucking juice out of the bottles! Hilarious!

Getting ready to open gifts!

Personalized afghan; absolutely beautiful!

It's reversible! (it says L.J.!)

LOL...our hats! :)

A great time was had by all! Needless to say after all the gifts were transported to the house I had to have plenty of help! My aunt, mom, mother in law and two cousins helped me organize and get everything into the nursery. However, I had to wash ALL the clothes:

Yea! Lots of clothes! Keep in mind that this doesn't include the clothes my mother and I had already started to accumulate at her house. LOL! No matter at least I won't have to go clothing shopping for a while...right?

And now...the long awaited nursery:

Hubby just finished putting together the 2 and 1 swing/bouncer and we finally got the shades up. We're waiting on the rocking chair, lamp and a few small items, but other than that the nursery is finished! Mom, hubby, dad and I all worked so hard to finish everything. I'm so glad the big stuff is done and all that's left to do is very minor.

I had a great doctor's appointment this past Friday. Of course they checked my cervix and because of the cerclage its still closed and of course the cerclage is still in place. This coming Friday is D day for the cerclage. It's coming out! At this point L.J. should be about 5lbs or so and he may make his appearance shortly after the cerclage comes out. Yay!

My doctor informed me that L.J. will be over 6lbs...that's a good size baby! I'm happy as long as he's healthy. My doctor even asked me what my plans were for my birthday (May 27th...I'll be 37 weeks). I asked him sarcastically...."I'm not sure but what should I do" He suggested that if I go out that I go out near Holy Cross Hospital which is where I'll deliver. *Sigh* no offense but I want to enjoy my birthday not be couped up in the house! :( It's my LAST birthday in my 20's so I just want to be out on the town with my friends and hubby. But I guess going into labor and having a baby on my birthday would be an awesome gift! :) Either way I haven't made any plans so we'll see what happens.

Friday, May 6, 2011

This and That

So the much awaited baby shower is tomorrow! Needless to say I'll be doing some running around with my Mother and Mother in Law today in preparation for the shower. I'm so excited to see everyone and finally be able to go shopping for things we need but don't receive from the shower (yes I'm a bit of a shop-a-holic...recovering though :) )

YES I admit I've been registry stalking. So far not much has been purchased but I'm not going to worry I'll be thankful for whatever we receive from friends and family. We actually already received two gifts in the mail so we'll see what happens. I know a lot of family and friends that are coming to the shower are very last minute shoppers so I'm sure all will be fine! And if not again...SHOPPING!!!!

I've also been dying to post nursery pictures, but I only want to show the finished product and unfortunately, the furniture is in place but windows still need to be washed, shades put up and the bed set needs to be purchased (hoping to get this tomorrow as a gift). Needless to say much has been done but there's still more to do. But after this weekend the goal will be to finish everything before next weekend.

Hubby and I had a maternity photo shoot last Friday, which initially I was really excited about then I canceled it due to monetary concerns and just feeling blah about my appearance. But my Mom rescued me from my feelings and told me to reschedule the shoot, which I did but with a different photographer. So happy Hubby and I decided to move forward with this and for your viewing pleasure this is the photo we chose to display at the shower:

As far as L.J. goes, the last appointment when measurements were taken he was 3 lbs 8oz. This was about 3 weeks ago and I'm not sure when I'll be getting another ultrasound for measurements since this ultrasound served as my last cervical check (Thank God). I do have an appointment next week and after that I go weekly until L.J. gets here! I'm soooo excited that the pregnancy is coming to an end and in a few short weeks Hubs and I will be parents!

Well once the shower is over I'll be back to of course post pics!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Becoming Real!

So I guess I can't really complain too much anymore! I feel like my hubby and I have accomplished so much this past week, which consequently was his spring break!

Here's a basic rundown on what was done:

Nursery closets FINALLY painted!
Baby mattress cleaned!
Carpets in the house cleaned!
Crib 99.5% complete!
One bathroom painted (one more to go)!
Hospital pre-natal tour complete!
My car trunk was de-cluttered!
50% finished with switching my closets from winter to summer clothes!

I know it doesn't sound like a lot but it truly is! Once my dad comes over today I'll probably ask him to pull out another clothes bin for me so I can finish organizing my clothes. Plus I'll ask him to finish up the crib by installing the footboard.

Of course I took pictures of hubby putting the crib together but I refuse to post any pics until the nursery is complete...which at the rate we're going won't be until after L.J.'s arrival! LOL! No that's not true because that would drive me up a wall! I'm too much of a planner/organizer for that last minute crap! Unfortunately, I know I've been getting on my husband's nerves but he deals pretty well.

Fortunately, for all parties involved (yes I feel like I'm getting on everyone's there are only a few more things left to do:

Put the dresser in the nursery
Finish organizing the closets in the nursery
Wash all baby items (probably won't do this until after the shower)
Decorate the nursery (again not until after the shower)

So yesterday, it was sooo humid here but hubby and I decided to just utilize the fans in the house since its a little earl y for air conditioning in this area. However, I felt like I was going to pass out so I went to sit downstairs where its like 20 degrees cooler. After coming back upstairs, we decided the air MUST be turned on. I've never felt faint or that hot in my life. So my new rule until I'm postpartum is to stay inside in the air conditioning. Honestly I feel like I cannot regulate my temperature and I don't want to get sick and risk anything happening to myself or my baby boy.

One a happy note, we had our hospital tour last night and it was so informative and exciting to think that in a couple of weeks hubby and I will arrive at the hospital and leave with L.J. in our arms. I'm soooo excited and nervous all at the same time.

Next weekend is my baby shower! FINALLY! I can't wait! I do hope that people purchase items from our registry. I worked so hard on putting them together and I definitely don't want family and friends purchasing clothes! We soooo don't need clothes! LOL! But whatever they purchase I'll just smile and say thank you :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Waiting Game

Countdown: 31 weeks 3 days Preggo! 8 weeks and 4 days (60 days) to go before we lay our eyes on our lil man!

Yesterday was me and my husband's one year wedding anniversary! It was so surreal watching our wedding video and cutting/eating the top layer of our wedding cake.

Anyway rewind back to Friday and I had yet another great appointment. I think its safe to say I'm definitely out of the woods with L.J. My blood pressure has been completely normal throughout the pregnancy, my cervix is holding strong and even lengthened, and L.J. is 3.5 lbs! I can even feel him hiccuping now! :) Doctor told me my cerclage will be removed at 36 weeks (1 week before my 29th birthday) and at that point its on L.J. as to when he wants to make his appearance.

So while things are great with my body and L.J. I'm still disappointed and frustrated with the progress of the nursery! Especially since I'm approaching 32 weeks! Hubby just started painting the closets (FINALLY!!!) and carpets will be cleaned this weekend (AGAIN...FINALLY!!!). I kinda wish we had bothered to open the closets when we had the nursery painted in the first place because we would have seen that those too needed to be painted and everything could have been done at one time. I feel like we're back tracking...ugh! So after the carpets are cleaned on Saturday, it is my hope that Hubby and I can put the crib together on Sunday.

I guess I've been nesting for a while and honestly it really bothers me that I can just get up and do things like I used to. I'm not the kind of person who sits back and waits on others to do things. I want things done when I want them done and most of the time, this only happens when you do it yourself. *shrugs*

Anyway, baby is the last day for RSVP's and 2 more weeks til the shower. I believe we're expecting around 80-85 people! I don't mean to sound tacky...but I hope that means lots of gifts! We're still in need of many many many items...clothes not being one of them! LOL. I'm prepared to purchase a glider/ottoman set, breast pump and bedding set. Well, my mother said she would purchase the bedding set for us, but seen as how she's one of the people putting on the baby shower, I really don't want her to purchase this. So, fingers crossed that people will actually purchase things from one of the four registries we have.

I hate playing the waiting game but I continue not to have a choice. I am thankful however to be able to do what I can to speed things least for now! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Passed!!!

Yes I passed my 1-hour glucose test! So happy I decided to only eat a broiled egg and drink water. I was so not trying to take the 3-hour version of the test. The thought of being stuck with a needle 4 times just does not sit well wit me...I HATE needles! Ugh!

I had yet another great visit this past Friday. Unfortunately, I can't give any stats on the baby because I got a ultrasound tech that was not very chatty, in fact she sucks and I really dread getting her when I go to the doctor. However, I do know that the baby is still head down so that's great news!

Still no real nursery progress...*sigh* I do have a feeling that after the baby shower the nursery renovation will be in full effect.

Baby shower invites are out and so far 27 RSVPs...excited!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Need Batteries!

Yup I'm in desperate need of some batteries...for myself! As of late I'm sooooo tired and really I feel like its for no reason at all. Though I guess if housing a baby counts then, well, I guess I can complain just a tad about being tired.

My 2nd trimester wind has definitely died, and as my Sisterlocks client remarked to me yesterday I won't be getting a third! Darn! I can't lie though it is slightly frustrating to be this tired but I guess it is what it is....*shrug* not like I didn't know this repeat of the 1st trimester would rear its ugly head again. LOL

Anyway, still making small strides on the nursery. We still have a twin bed that needs to get gone and a chest that needs to be moved downstairs to the laundry room. Additionally, I need to order some shades (taking down the crappy cheap blinds) and get the carpet cleaned but all those things are small minor details. We did get the travel system put together *happy dance* so again, progress!

I can't believe that my shower or should I say our shower will be in a couple of weeks! YES! My mom got the paper invites in the mail and now its just all about who to invite. Either way all invites (paper and electronic) will go out by Friday, April 1st! AND maternity photos at the end of April, two weeks before the shower! Needless to say April is going to be an exciting month! Can't wait to post more pics...stay tuned!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Third Tri's the Charm

Yes I finally hit my third trimester yesterday! Woo-Hoo! Plus, I had an awesome appointment yesterday! Thank God! Cervix and cerclage are holding up well and I guess its due to me resting and working from home. I also cut back on my sorority duties as well so that probably helped as well.

Anyway, L.J. is growing nicely! He's 2.5 pounds and he turned; he is now head down and hopefully he stays that way LOL! I am now on bi-weekly appointments and on March 28th Hubs and I will attend our first child birthing class! Time seems to be flying by but I'm glad. I can't wait to hold my little guy and to get a break from work.

Fast-forward to earlier today...Hubs and I made some major moves in terms of cleaning house. Originally, all of his clothes were in the two nursery closets. I am no happy to say that he condensed his clothes and shoes into the one closet in the office. Honestly, I'm extremely happy with the move and it makes more sense to have his things in the office closet since that's like his mini "man cave." My winter clothes were moved out of our bedroom closet and put in the laundry room (we have shelves and a place to hang clothes there). Once Hubs brings up the bins, I can unpack some of my summer maternity things and hang them in the closet.

So in accomplishing the closet switch-a-roo, we threw out a lot of papers and junk that was just sitting around since we moved to the house back in 2009. Also, we discovered that we should probably paint the closets in the nursery. :( Not sure if this will happen though as its not urgent and we still have other items to purchase and things to do but its definitely on the to-do list, so we'll see what develops.

I personally cleaned two out of three bathrooms, swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed the living room and our bedroom, dusted our bedroom and cleaned the kitchen ceiling fan. Normally I'm a cleaning machine but after that I was pooped. And at this point I'd love to take a nap, but I'm waiting for my mom and mother in law to come over and listen to their plans about the baby shower.

In fact here's a peak at the paper (yes paper) shower invites (edited out all the personal info):

I found a cheap printer that will print 100 invites for FREE! You only pay $4.99 to upload your own design and of course shipping (which I think is $12.00). So if we have more than a 100 invitees (yes its going to be a huge co-ed shower) then they will get the electronic invite. Unfortunately, the next number of invites is 250 and we definitely don't need that many. I'm hoping 100 will do but we'll see.

Another reason for my napless day is Hubs and I are waiting for some of his fraternity bros to come by and help move all the baby stuff upstairs. Unfortunately, the baby stuff will go in the kitchen until we get the carpets cleaned next month. Ugh! Again...slow progress but progress nonetheless. I'll just be glad to have everything set up as I'm starting to feel like we're running out of time!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Race to the Single Digits

I'm FINALLY in my double digits! 94 days and counting! June 17th seems like a lifetime away but really its just around the least that what I keep telling myself. LOL.

Unfortunately along with being in the double digits are a host of symptoms: heartburn, fatigue, insomnia, flatulence, constant stuffy nose, back pain and probably some others that I can't think of at the mo moment. I know all this will be worth it just to gaze upon my little man's face, but honestly, I'm ready for an outside baby.

Don't get me wrong, LJ needs to keep baking at least until I'm 37 weeks (my birthday) but he can come at any point after that as far as I'm concerned. I guess I shouldn't complain too much though. I never thought that things would be as smooth as they have been after I had to get the cerclage. I just knew things would just continue to be complicated but so far so good and I'm hoping things stay that way.

Though, I must admit I did get concerned yesterday when LJ seemed to move a lot less...but today he's back to his active self. Thank goodness because if today was anything like yesterday I would have called my doctor's office and made them see me to make sure my LJ was okay. My hubby and I have been though too much to take any chances.

Moving on...Hubby gave me some good news! This weekend we are finally moving all the baby stuff (mattress, dresser, crib, and travel system) upstairs! We are getting rid of the twin bed that's in the nursery and Hubby is moving his clothes out of the closets in the nursery! FINALLY progress! Unfortunately, he can't put the crib together since we have to get the carpet cleaned but I'm just happy to know that things are moving forward and all the baby stuff won't continue to sit in the family room.

Well I guess I should finish drinking my ginger ale and possible take a few tums and hope that I can get to sleep! The joys of pregnancy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Marching to a New Beat

Its March and Spring is finally in the air...with the exception of the snow we got in the northern and eastern parts of Maryland.

I am 25 weeks and 3 days today! 2 more weeks until the dreaded 2nd trimester is over and the 3rd trimester begins. I can hardly wait! The 2nd tri seems to have dragged on and I'm over it at this point. :)

So last two weeks ago I was very excited to get the go-ahead to return to work. However upon my return I discovered that my parking had be canceled and my company couldn't offer me parking within the building per my doctor's request. These inconveniences coupled with the long drive and rising gas prices I began to miss working at home. But I didn't have to miss it for long because once my doctor got word of my parking situation he put me back on modified bed rest but did allow me a little more leeway as far as household chores and moving around.

All and all I have left the sorrows of February behind. While I'm still annoyed with work I'm able to push past the BS and not make emotional decisions.

Last but not least here are some nursery pictures:

Nursery Bedding

Fresh paint and chair rail

New wall plate (matches the bedding)

One of diaper bags (this one has the same pattern as the stroller)

Couldn't resist purchasing at least one box of diapers (I love Amazon!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Return to "Normal"

I had a great doctor's appointment yesterday! Baby weighs 1lb 6oz and I saw him stick his fingers in his mouth! :) I guess there's not much else to do in there.

My doctor was very pleased with my progress and noted that nothing had changed since my minor surgery. He cleared me to go back to work pending this is what I wanted to do. However, he still instructed me to get as much rest as possible. Basically aside from work I'm still on restriction from housework, shopping trips, etc. BUT I can leave the house 3 days out of the week and this is a victory, even if it is small!

Okay so back to work...I decided that after working from home for majority of February, and seeing the kind of Bull-ish I was going to have to put up with from my employer I quickly told the doctor that I wanted to return to work for as long as I could. So starting Monday I'll be working three days a week in the office and two days a week at home.

However, I as lay here resting, I wonder if I made the right decision. I was so sure of my decision yesterday and was even happy to return to a somewhat normal life. But now I'm starting to have doubts. At the end of the day I just want to do right by my little one. Of course I don't want the stress of work as this is not healthy for anyone especially a pregnant woman.

I guess the only comfort in this situation is knowing that I hold the key to what I want. If I tell my doctor I no longer wish to work in the office due to the stress or the long drive (45min to 1 hour one way) then VIOLA! I'm back at home still working and being productive (but also being micro-managed).

Either way, I'm just going to pray for the next 12 weeks to fly by and that I have an uneventful pregnancy during that time. I am truly happy to be able to do a little bit more moving around.

24 weeks and 1 day! One milestone down, and three more to go! (28 weeks, 37, and then happy birthday to my little one!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Ups and Downs

It was only last Friday that I learned I would be on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. While I had my concerns especially since my doctor informed me that the next step is a nice cozy hospital room, I took the news in stride. My only concern at that point was what would my employer do...see I'd already been working from home for two weeks and I just wanted to know if this could continue or if I would have to go on short-term disability.

I tried not to give it much thought and attempted to enjoy the holiday weekend. But of course I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen come Tuesday.

Finally! Tuesday has arrived and as far as I'm concerned I'm glad to be looking at the back of Tuesday's head watching him wave good-bye! Sigh...yup it was one of those doggy down days.

The good news: I can continue to work from home! So no short-term disability. The bad news: along with working from home comes stress and frustration and oh, let's not forget our good old friend Ms. Micro-Manager. Ugh!

Needless to say a lot of tears were shed today trying to explain how I felt to those close to me. Unfortunately, I'm starting to get the feeling that though family may empathize and sympathize and try to understand the stress of work, ultimately, they have their own opinion of what they think is best (i.e., continuing to work for the next 3.5 months). And of course this is in direct contrast to what I feel is best.

Personally since I am the one carrying a little one, I feel that my opinion is the only one that matters. But I must admit it really sucks feeling like no one truly understands what your going through. At the end of the day stress and frustration are not good for anyone but especially a pregnant woman on bed rest.

I guess for now I'll take it one day at a time and see what happens but I can't help but feel that maybe, just maybe I could make a better decision for myself and my little one.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Name of the Game: Sacrifice!

You know, I never thought I'd be able to have a child. Don't ask why, I guess it was just one of those feelings that resonate deep in your gut. You know the feeling.....Needless to say, I hoped and prayed that I'd be a mama one day and more importantly give hubby a son.

Well, BAM! Six months after we get married, I find out that I'm pregnant. Of course this didn't stop me from worrying but I tried to let go and let God. So appointment after appointment little one hung in there and my fears slowly disappear.

Naturally after I became confident that enough that baby was going to be fine I went shopping! And did even more shopping once I found out that little one was a BOY! :) Yup, Hubby got what he wanted and of course was over the moon.

Everything was going well until Feb. 4th when I got put on bed rest. Now, I won't go into details, but I just knew that this was nothing serious and that I'd be up and running again in no time. HA! What's the saying..."when you make plans God laughs"...or something like that. Anyway fast forward 14 days and a minor procedure and my doctor informs me that I'll be on bed rest until my little one comes.

Honestly, I'm okay. I've been working from home and hopefully I can continue to do so. Now I could sit here and be salty about not being able to clean up around the house, cook for myself, come and go whenever I please, set up the nursery, etc. But why dwell on the negative? The most important thing in life to me right now is my child. So whatever I have to do to get him here safe then best believe I'll do it! It's called sacrifice and I guess I better start getting used to it.

Do I wish I had a run-of-the-mill pregnancy...SURE! But it just wasn't the hand I was dealt. Hubby said it best...When encountering adversity face it head on, don't run from it but persevere through it. Faith is developed during the process of such endurance and that belief can serve as a catalyst for you overcoming your trials and tribulations. Don't skip the process because in the PROCESS there is POWER. Yup gotta love a man of God. I know that once this is all said and done it'll be worth it. And quite frankly, this has not discouraged me from having more children. At least in the future I know what I'll be dealing with and hopefully there won't be anymore surprises.

So, if you wanna pay me a visit...I'll be home! LOL..til next time :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Name of the Game: Sacrifice!

So I'm giving you all fair warning most of my blogs from henceforth will be about me and my little one. Sorry but these days that's all that's on my mind.

You know, I never thought I'd be able to have a child. Don't ask why, I guess it was just one of those feelings that resonate deep in your gut. You know the feeling.....Needless to say, I hoped and prayed that I'd be a mama one day and more importantly give hubby a son.

Well, BAM! Six months after we get married, I find out that I'm pregnant. Of course this didn't stop me from worrying but I tried to let go and let God. So appointment after appointment little one hung in there and my fears slowly disappear.

Naturally after I became confident that enough that baby was going to be fine I went shopping! And did even more shopping once I found out that little one was a BOY! :) Yup, Hubby got what he wanted and of course was over the moon.

Everything was going well until Feb. 4th when I got put on bed rest. Now, I won't go into details, but I just knew that this was nothing serious and that I'd be up and running again in no time. HA! What's the saying..."when you make plans God laughs"...or something like that. Anyway fast forward 14 days and a minor procedure and my doctor informs me that I'll be on bed rest until my little one comes.

Honestly, I'm okay. I've been working from home and hopefully I can continue to do so. Now I could sit here and be salty about not being able to clean up around the house, cook for myself, come and go whenever I please, set up the nursery, etc. But why dwell on the negative? The most important thing in life to me right now is my child. So whatever I have to do to get him here safe then best believe I'll do it! It's called sacrifice and I guess I better start getting used to it.

Do I wish I had a run-of-the-mill pregnancy...SURE! But it just wasn't the hand I was dealt. Hubby said it best...When encountering adversity face it head on, don't run from it but persevere through it. Faith is developed during the process of such endurance and that belief can serve as a catalyst for you overcoming your trials and tribulations. Don't skip the process because in the PROCESS there is POWER. Yup gotta love a man of God. I know that once this is all said and done it'll be worth it. And quite frankly, this has not discouraged me from having more children. At least in the future I know what I'll be dealing with and hopefully there won't be anymore surprises.

So, if you wanna pay me a visit...I'll be home! LOL..til next time :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Out with the Old and Into the New

Hey folks! So I hate to be a Debbie Downer or Negative Nelly today in my blog post but I need to vent. Feel free to click the 'x' and move me I won't be offended.

So I'm starting to realize some relationships that I held in a high regard are crumbling from the foundation. When this happens it really makes you wonder what was it built on in the first place and why you invested so much time and energy into the relationship. I mean it could be my emotionally charged pregnancy hormones, but I feel some type of way! GRRR!

I mean for real for real, I feel as though a lot of my relationships are not reciprocal. There's no give and take on both ends. I find that I'm the one giving and these "friends" are just taking. Well you know what in 2011, I just can't do it no more! I'm truly starting to see things differently and for most folks in my life its not a good look. Some have already been cut off and believe me more cuts are on the way.

Okay moving on...I still hate my job! Ugh! Though I have some hopeful prospects on the horizon so I'm hoping that in the next couple of weeks I'll hear those magically two words YOU'RE HIRED! I definitely need a change because I'm going crazy here!

Okay moving on I go further into my pregnancy journey I'm starting to realize that things that seemed so important prior to preggo-ness are just not anymore. I won't give specific examples, but let's just say I plan on lightening my load very soon. I'm about to take on a huge responsibility and probably the most important one I'll ever have...raising a child. So sorry stuff I used to think was important. You'll be taking a back seat to my little one. HE needs me way more than you do.

Okay I'm done being Suzy least for now! :)

Til next time bloggers!