Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Ups and Downs

It was only last Friday that I learned I would be on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. While I had my concerns especially since my doctor informed me that the next step is a nice cozy hospital room, I took the news in stride. My only concern at that point was what would my employer do...see I'd already been working from home for two weeks and I just wanted to know if this could continue or if I would have to go on short-term disability.

I tried not to give it much thought and attempted to enjoy the holiday weekend. But of course I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen come Tuesday.

Finally! Tuesday has arrived and as far as I'm concerned I'm glad to be looking at the back of Tuesday's head watching him wave good-bye! Sigh...yup it was one of those doggy down days.

The good news: I can continue to work from home! So no short-term disability. The bad news: along with working from home comes stress and frustration and oh, let's not forget our good old friend Ms. Micro-Manager. Ugh!

Needless to say a lot of tears were shed today trying to explain how I felt to those close to me. Unfortunately, I'm starting to get the feeling that though family may empathize and sympathize and try to understand the stress of work, ultimately, they have their own opinion of what they think is best (i.e., continuing to work for the next 3.5 months). And of course this is in direct contrast to what I feel is best.

Personally since I am the one carrying a little one, I feel that my opinion is the only one that matters. But I must admit it really sucks feeling like no one truly understands what your going through. At the end of the day stress and frustration are not good for anyone but especially a pregnant woman on bed rest.

I guess for now I'll take it one day at a time and see what happens but I can't help but feel that maybe, just maybe I could make a better decision for myself and my little one.


  1. I am sorry you had a bad day!

    Luckily you are able to work from bed and keep horizontal for you and LO.
    Honestly, I think working will make you feel productive and occupied. I wish I could be making some money right now!

    Good luck with everything and continued bedrest to keep that baby baking.

  2. Thanks! :) You know and it was just that..a bad day, of course my hormones made it a day from hell! But the universe is as it should be again...lol.
