Friday, February 18, 2011

The Name of the Game: Sacrifice!

So I'm giving you all fair warning most of my blogs from henceforth will be about me and my little one. Sorry but these days that's all that's on my mind.

You know, I never thought I'd be able to have a child. Don't ask why, I guess it was just one of those feelings that resonate deep in your gut. You know the feeling.....Needless to say, I hoped and prayed that I'd be a mama one day and more importantly give hubby a son.

Well, BAM! Six months after we get married, I find out that I'm pregnant. Of course this didn't stop me from worrying but I tried to let go and let God. So appointment after appointment little one hung in there and my fears slowly disappear.

Naturally after I became confident that enough that baby was going to be fine I went shopping! And did even more shopping once I found out that little one was a BOY! :) Yup, Hubby got what he wanted and of course was over the moon.

Everything was going well until Feb. 4th when I got put on bed rest. Now, I won't go into details, but I just knew that this was nothing serious and that I'd be up and running again in no time. HA! What's the saying..."when you make plans God laughs"...or something like that. Anyway fast forward 14 days and a minor procedure and my doctor informs me that I'll be on bed rest until my little one comes.

Honestly, I'm okay. I've been working from home and hopefully I can continue to do so. Now I could sit here and be salty about not being able to clean up around the house, cook for myself, come and go whenever I please, set up the nursery, etc. But why dwell on the negative? The most important thing in life to me right now is my child. So whatever I have to do to get him here safe then best believe I'll do it! It's called sacrifice and I guess I better start getting used to it.

Do I wish I had a run-of-the-mill pregnancy...SURE! But it just wasn't the hand I was dealt. Hubby said it best...When encountering adversity face it head on, don't run from it but persevere through it. Faith is developed during the process of such endurance and that belief can serve as a catalyst for you overcoming your trials and tribulations. Don't skip the process because in the PROCESS there is POWER. Yup gotta love a man of God. I know that once this is all said and done it'll be worth it. And quite frankly, this has not discouraged me from having more children. At least in the future I know what I'll be dealing with and hopefully there won't be anymore surprises.

So, if you wanna pay me a visit...I'll be home! LOL..til next time :)

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