Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Frustrated Pt. I: The Job

Even though I feel very blessed to have a job, family, friends, etc., I can't help but feel a little frustrated. So this post is basically me venting....not being negative just venting. Can't deal? Please feel free to leave and read some of my happier posts. I won't be offended. :)

So I've been at the job a little over a month and it's not exactly what I thought it was going to be. While I still believe this job to be a great opportunity for me to learn and grow, I'm not sure I can see myself being here more than 1-1.5 years. Apparently, I have a reputation for being a job hopper. Mind you however, I was at my last full-time perm gig for 3 years. Most recruiters I spoke with thought that was a sizable amount of time so not sure where my rep of being a job jumper is coming from but whatevs....

Anyway, I'm frustrated because I thought I was finally on a path to a great career but now I'm not so sure. Is it this job or maybe its journalism just isn't for the kid. I'm so eclectic and its a gift and a curse. Hubby suggested that I just do a trial and error with various jobs and give it at least 1-2 years to "try it out" so to speak and if I don't like it then move on. Well that's cool I guess but I know at some point I'm going to have to buckle down and decide what the heck I want to do.

Meanwhile the thought of becoming my own boss has been on my mind a lot lately. I knew a long time ago (back in high school to be specific) that I wanted to start my own business. Unfortunately, the business I wanted to start has been done over and over again so I don't think there's much of a market for it anymore. Which leads to another question....if I want to own my own business what type of business will it be???? Ugh! I have so many questions and so very little answers that it has FRUSTRATED me! Am I alone? I know there has got to be someone around my age that feels the same way right?

Anyway, I'm going to pray for some answers and in the mean time do my best with the new gig. I am striving to be like a sponge at work and soak up everything.

Until next time peeps!