Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Dreaded Cerclage Removal

So the title of this blog is purposely misleading. LOL! The cerclage removal was actually very swift and painless. The part I hated most was a actually a tie between the GBS test and the insertion of the speculum. Other than those two, everything went fine. In fact my mother seeing the huge scissors that the Dr. used to remove the cerclage, was more scared than I was. Lucky for me I was totally oblivious to what the scissors looked like.

L.J. is looking to be about a six-eight pound baby. Hopefully he'll be right in the middle at seven pounds. But either way as long as he's healthy I'm happy. Oh and also according to this last doctor's visit I lost eight pounds in a week! Yikes! No idea what's going on with my fluctuating weight! But again, L.J. is healthy and happy (according to doc) so I don't give much thought to my weight going up and down. I guess I'm just weird. LOL!

Anyway so now that the cerclage is gone chances of me going into labor at any point are high. My cervix though not completely incompetent still funnels when pressure is put on it. Now that L.J. is bigger and I'm not on bed rest of any kind chances of him coming early are likely. I'd just like to make it to at least 37 weeks (full term) which is actually next Friday (my birthday). If he comes at any point after that we're out of the woods and L.J. shouldn't have any issues.

So fingers crossed for a full term baby, but not an over-cooked one. I think at this point going beyond 40 weeks is my biggest fear!

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