Friday, June 24, 2011

Ilandus Jr. (L.J.'s) Birth Story

It all began around 3:30 pm on Tuesday morning when I woke up totally uncomfortable and slightly in pain. After trying to relieve my bladder for the umteenth time I just stayed up and watched the sunrise turned on the television around 6:00 and watched the news. I fell asleep and woke back up at 8:00 am in serious pain. What I didn't know just yet was that I was having contractions.

Hubby and I started timing contractions around 8:30ish and headed to the hospital after getting the okay from doc around 10:00ish. We got to the hospital triage where I was monitored for about 45 mins. I was told by one of the docs that although I wasn't contracting regularly and was only dilated to 3cm, she would keep me there (my induction date was set for Weds/Thurs) but she wouldn't be able to get me into a labor and delivery room for five hours. *sigh* Further, the doc told me there was no need for me to come into L&D for cervadil to soften my cervix.

Needless to say I was pissed because at this point my contractions were just getting worse and worse and I couldn't imagine holding out til Thursday!!! But having little choice Hubby and I went home and I tried to get some sleep. I slept all of maybe 30 mins to an hour before my contractions became very painful and regular. Hubby and I started timing the contractions around 8:00 pm and headed back to L&D around 10:30. This time they kept me...oh and I was 5 cm!

I got my epidural right away and was instantly comfortable! By this time it was 12:15 am Wednesday morning and I was instructed to get some sleep. Hubby and mom were real troopers and spent the night with me in L&D. My mother in law even showed up later that morning before she headed to work to check on us. Later in the morning I was informed by the nurses that they didn't want to check me any longer because my bag of water was bulging and the doctor had not arrived yet.

So from 12:15 am that morning until about 10:00 am later that morning all anyone knew was I was 5cm. One of my nurses (tired of waiting on the doctor) finally decided to check me and told me I was 9cm (this was at 10:30). When the doctor arrived he broke my bag of water and we discovered the baby made a bowel movement in utero! This is very common but it can also be scary because the baby could aspirate the fluid into his lungs and get a serious infection! So the NICU had to be in the delivery room *sigh* Around 12:00ish I started pushing and an hour later at 1:14 pm my little guy Ilandus Jr. or as we lovingly call him L.J. was born!

L.J. weighed in at 7lbs, 12oz and 20.5 inches long! He wasn't as big as I anticipated him to be (Thank God!). It was love at first sight!
Happy Birthday L.J.!

Finally going home!

L.J. the thinker! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Eureka: The Induction Date

So after waiting all weekend --which by the way seemed like an eternity-- I decided to call my doc's office early this morning and not wait on them to contact know take the proactive approach. Needless to say I did not get a desirable outcome. I ended up being left on hold forever and then to add insult to injury I had to leave the woman who sets up the induction dates with the hospital a message. No problem! I definitely intended to call back. :)

About 2-3 hours later I called back and actually spoke with the nice lady and she told me something I definitely didn't want to hear and that was that the hospital was booked this week and had no room for me for my induction! WTF!!! *SCREAM*

So here I am thinking I'd be 42 weeks before anything popped off and I was not happy about that at all! The only reason I didn't burst into immediate tears is my dear sweet Mom telling me to "get over it." LOL! So I did and we proceeded on our journey of attempting to find some wallpaper to finish redecorating our half-bath downstairs in hubby and I's house.

Once I got home an hour or so later I received another phone call from my doctor's office telling me that there was a cancellation and that my induction was scheduled for THIS WEEK! YES!
I am going into the hospital on Wednesday but I won't start any pitocin until early Thursday morning. So the hope is I'll have a June 23rd or 24th birthday celebration for my little guy! Hubby and I were desperately hoping for a Gemini baby since we're both Geminis but unfortunately that just wasn't meant to be.

Of course ultimately the most important thing here is that our little guys is healthy and will be here in a few short days! Thank you Jesus! We are too excited and overjoyed and can't wait to meet him.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

When Your Due Date Comes and Goes

So its June 18th and yes I am still pregnant! I know I should be thankful and feel blessed to even be pregnant and especially to have a healthy baby who is breathing (yup saw it on the ultrasound). But I can't help but feel over it!

I had a good cry yesterday and my hubby is so sweet he comforted me and told me it will be over soon! He also expressed how he understands my frustration and I how I have a right to feel the way I do. This sentiment made me feel so much better! <3 that man!

At any rate, I will be blowing up my doctor's number come Monday so I can get an induction date. Of course going into labor naturally is always a much better option but at this point, I don't see any benefit to my little guy staying in utero furthermore, I'm tired and would like my body back...well somewhat! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

And the Frustration Sets In...

So I started my maternity leave on the 13th of June (Monday) and not only am I completely bored out of my skull, I'm very frustrated as I thought L.J. would be here by now or I would at least have some serious contractions and be on my way to having him.

Yet I am one day away from my due date and NOTHING has been happening. To add insult to injury I have family and friends calling, texting, etc. daily asking how are you feeling, what's going on, are you still pregnant! UGH! I know they mean well and they are excited to meet our little guy but I'm annoyed!

At this point my biggest fear is that my induction date won't be next week but the following week and I honestly just can't deal with that! I need my baby out in the world now! LOL! I've gone through so much to get to this point and Lord knows I'm blessed and happy to be here but I kinda feel like I've done my part now bring on the baby! LOL. I can't even really enjoy my favorite website The Bump anymore because its filled with birth stories and pictures of babies and all I can think about is....good for you ladies BUT I need my baby now! LMAO!

Anyway, I see the doc tomorrow (on my due date) and I get my last ultrasound. Fingers crossed I get an induction date for next week and we can get this show on the road! Doc seems to think that baby will be about 8lbs and that my labor will go quickly.....all I can say is I hope so!

And now I have to find something to do all day so I'm not bored. Thank God for my parents because if not for them, I'd truly be sitting in the house staring at 4 walls! Gotta love 'em!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nine Days Left!

Yup so I think my doc cursed me! LOL! He told me that I'd probably be one of those patients that have to be induced, which is ironic because I had a cerclage put in due to a shortening cervix.

My uterus has been very quiet. I do believe I had some minor contractions last Saturday but other than that nothing major is going on! UGH! At this point I'm over being pregnant and the thought of going past my due date is slightly freaking me out!

I'm not getting any sleep, I'm hot all the time and I think I'm coming down with a summer cold! Eek! I just want an outside baby, but apparently L.J. is not ready to make his grand entrance. I'm hoping however at my appointment tomorrow that I'll get an induction date. I really don't want to be induced because I'd like to think my body can do something on its own! But, at least I'll have a final date to look forward to because at this point I really really REALLY need an end point in sight!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Change is a Must Growing Up...Not So Much

I'm back! Well not really. I've been cheating on this blog with my other blog. My alternative blog chronicles my journey of pregnancy and of course post pregnancy, motherhood.

Anyway, I had a conversation not too long ago with some folks and was slightly offended about where it ended and or led to. I left the conversation wondering if I was really a dry biscuit? Meaning a person who doesn't really know how to have fun or someone who is too uptight. Yea in my opinion that definitely doesn't describe me.

Personally, I know a lot of people who do a lot of club/lounge hopping, drinking, traveling, etc. Now the latter, traveling, I can totally get with. In fact despite myself and Hubby about to be parents, I definitely think we should do more weekend getaways. And of course, I'd like to do more traveling with my friends. HOWEVER, I draw the line at club/lounge hopping and drinking. Now don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy wine, but I don't get twisted off my ass every weekend just cause. I'm too old for that and quite frankly its just not me. So, call it what you want, I just don't get down like that.

I guess I'm starting to want to involve myself with people who share my interests. Not that I don't have people in my life like that now, but I kinda feel like folks in my life have preconceived notions of me and what I like to do. Not knowing that in true Gemini fashion I change a lot and I change constantly. So, one minute I may not like something and then the next I'm totally into it.

Problem is, I'm not exactly trusting of people so that makes it hard to meet new people and make friends. But I think in order for me to be happy especially going forward I guess I have to take the plunge and be a little more open and trusting of folks. Ugh...good luck to me :) Then again, since I'll be a new Mommy I'm sure I'll be meeting all kinds of new people which will force me to open up and talk to folks. So, I guess I'll look forward to it. :D