Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Just Listen...

I almost feel like I have to re-introduce myself...its been a while but I think I'm going to start spending more time here and less time on Facebook (FB).

I'm starting to realize that perhaps you shouldn't give an open window to your deep and personal thoughts and feelings because you're inviting a lot of people into your mind/spirit. Sometimes I just want to be commentary necessary....sigh!

Update on Me

My birthday is coming up and I'll be a whopping 33 years young. I used to be so scared of the 30's but its not so bad. I've done a lot of growing and letting people go and honestly, I would like to think I'm a better person for it.

Update on Peanut

Peanut is my baby's in-utero name. Peanut is 24 weeks old (25 on Friday) and is growing steadily. Peanut's doing a lot of hiccuping as of late...poor baby :) While I do know Peanut's gender, I've only chosen to share it with family and those closest to me. Everyone else will find out once the shower invites go out! :)

Update on LJ

LJ is growing up so fast its amazing...I kinda want him to slow down a bit. I guess I will always see him as my baby. But my baby is going to be 4 years old in! I'm praying he gets a lottery slot and can go to our neighborhood Montessori school for free! I just dread paying another year of glorified and sub-par babysitting...or what many call daycare.

LJ will be playing T-ball in the coming months...hopefully he'll take a liking to it. If not, we tried. I can't wait to see him in his little T-ball uniform....too cute!!!

Mmmmkay that's it for now. Take it light people! :)

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