I told myself that once this lil boy turned two that diapers were over for him. As such I've been slowly building up a supply of Huggies and Pampers Pull-ups. Well our diaper supply ran out about a week ago and L.J.'s been in pull-ups ever since. Well so far its not going very well. He really doesn't like to use the potty. I'll ask him every 10 mins or so "do you have to go to the potty? or Do you have to pee pee?" His answer most of the time is "Noooo." Every once in a while he'll answer with this: "Pee-pee, pee-pee" or "Potty, potty." I later realized that if he's saying/answering me with that he's pee-peeing as we speak! #ugh
I have caught him a few times trying to make a poop in his diaper. Of course I immediately scooped him up and place him on the potty. Needless to say he didn't like this and held it (as long as he could anyway...which wasn't very long) and wined.
I know boys are supposedly harder to potty train but I'm sorry I refuse to be the Mom with the 3-year old in diapers! #hellno So, any advice, books, etc. I should be looking into please help a mama out and send them my way! I know what works for one child may not work for another but I'd like to start trying different things in hopes that by early next year L.J. will be 90% (or more) potty trained.
Shoool (School)
So in T-minus 2 weeks and 6 days L.J. will begin school at Rising Generations. I've heard nothing but good things about this place so I'm very excited! My only real negative so far is uniforms for a 2 year old. I think a uniform at this age is doing a bit much, especially for potty training purposes (pants with buttons and zippers). But that's the rule so we gotta go with that. However, despite my opinion about the uniforms, I think L.J. definitely could benefit from being around kids his own age. I'm also hoping this potty training will be in full effect once he starts. I'll keep ya posted though!
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