Monday, June 14, 2010

Can't Save the Unsaveable

Morn-ting everyone! So this blog is a follow-up if you will to my last one. So my last blog had a big message, a message that apparently a lot of folks needed to hear. I got a lot of feedback on it...thanks for reading! And more importantly, thanks for receiving the message.

Unfortunately, when I birthed my last blog, the inspiration behind it was only a single person. It is not surprising however, that this person is probably not even reading, and even if they did read, they probably wouldn't receive the message.

So in the spirit of closure I will say this, to me, being a true friend to someone is pointing out that they don't have a parachute when they are about to jump off a cliff. However, after laboring about my feelings on this particular friend's choices, I've decided that sometimes you just have to let the person jump parachute-less and all. It pains me to do this because it goes against what I typically would do, but I've come to a point where I feel like I've done all I can....maybe too much! I say that because I feel this person keeps me at a distance, I guess maybe they realize that what I'm saying is true, but they just refuse to face it...stubborn ass!

If you are content in wondering the forest of life without a flashlight, be my guest. Personally, I wish I had more friends like me. Because if you can't save yourself, then I certainly can't save you.

Oh well, such is life. Sad that folks gotta learn the hard way. I pray that they do indeed eventually learn because only fools make the same mistakes over and over and over again and expect a different and better outcome.



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