G'day all! Hope the Memorial weekend was fantastic! Mine left much to be desired, but at least it ended on a brighter note than it began so for that I am thankful.
So this past May was a very interesting and trying month for me in many ways. But as always I try to look on the bright side of things, even though sometimes it can be a wee bit hard to see. For example, my great-aunt who I was very close to passed away. Needless to say I was very upset for a while. Everyone around me kept saying that "oh she lived a long life...at least she's not suffering, etc." I didn't care about any of that...she's gone and I don't want her to be and that was it! Couldn't really see past that for a minute. But like all things, that passed. Her death made me realize that life is too short and one minute you're here, the next you could be gone. A very simple concept in theory, but one we tend to forget all the time. Now, its unfortunate that someone dear to me had to leave my life in order for me to remember this, but at least I did indeed remember.
So with this renewed concept in mind, I re-declared who I am as a person...REAL! Therefore, those who are not real or cannot take me being real with them I've decided to bid them adieu! Doesn't mean I have any less love for ya, just means you can't be a part of my life like ya used to be. Sorry, but real recognize real and VivalaDiva can only associate herself with those like her :D
Another interesting thing happened in the month of May was my want and need to better my relationship with God. As always when you draw closer to God some folks in your life fall by the wayside, especially those you thought you were close to. Sad, but it always happens. However, I never worry about people because they come and they go; some are in your life for a season, and some a lifetime. I feel blessed to have known folks, even when they have wronged me, because believe it or not, wrong people help you recognize "right" people. Consequently, when you meet the "right" people, they help you recognize the wrong people disguised as "right" people. Following me?
Anyway, I'm ex-communicating the wrong right people for the right right people :) So if you find yourself talking less and less to VivalaDiva, now you know why....
Oh and the most important lesson of May: loose lips sink ships! I think I'll be keeping my secrets between me, my hubby, and God. Because people CLEARLY cannot be trusted.
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