I'm starting to realize that perhaps you shouldn't give an open window to your deep and personal thoughts and feelings because you're inviting a lot of people into your mind/spirit. Sometimes I just want to be heard....no commentary necessary....sigh!
Update on Me
My birthday is coming up and I'll be a whopping 33 years young. I used to be so scared of the 30's but its not so bad. I've done a lot of growing and letting people go and honestly, I would like to think I'm a better person for it.Update on Peanut
Peanut is my baby's in-utero name. Peanut is 24 weeks old (25 on Friday) and is growing steadily. Peanut's doing a lot of hiccuping as of late...poor baby :) While I do know Peanut's gender, I've only chosen to share it with family and those closest to me. Everyone else will find out once the shower invites go out! :)Update on LJ
LJ is growing up so fast its amazing...I kinda want him to slow down a bit. I guess I will always see him as my baby. But my baby is going to be 4 years old in June...wow! I'm praying he gets a lottery slot and can go to our neighborhood Montessori school for free! I just dread paying another year of glorified and sub-par babysitting...or what many call daycare.LJ will be playing T-ball in the coming months...hopefully he'll take a liking to it. If not, we tried. I can't wait to see him in his little T-ball uniform....too cute!!!
Mmmmkay that's it for now. Take it light people! :)