So today is my 29th year of life! Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEE! LOL! I guess I better take a nap before Hubby gets home with my cake. I am sooo sleepy these days!
Anyway, after all the cervix worries and everyone predicting that L.J. was going to come on my birthday I am only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. L.J. is nice and comfy and wants to continue to cook so I guess he'll definitely be a June baby. He hasn't even descended into my pelvis yet (dropped).
I'm a little disappointed because I wanted to meet my lil man soon but since I only have 3 weeks until my due date I can hang in there til then. I want L.J. to come when he's good and ready and not a moment before.
Welp, I'm off to take a nap and get some "me" time in before Hubby gets home and takes me out to celebrate.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Dreaded Cerclage Removal
So the title of this blog is purposely misleading. LOL! The cerclage removal was actually very swift and painless. The part I hated most was a actually a tie between the GBS test and the insertion of the speculum. Other than those two, everything went fine. In fact my mother seeing the huge scissors that the Dr. used to remove the cerclage, was more scared than I was. Lucky for me I was totally oblivious to what the scissors looked like.
L.J. is looking to be about a six-eight pound baby. Hopefully he'll be right in the middle at seven pounds. But either way as long as he's healthy I'm happy. Oh and also according to this last doctor's visit I lost eight pounds in a week! Yikes! No idea what's going on with my fluctuating weight! But again, L.J. is healthy and happy (according to doc) so I don't give much thought to my weight going up and down. I guess I'm just weird. LOL!
Anyway so now that the cerclage is gone chances of me going into labor at any point are high. My cervix though not completely incompetent still funnels when pressure is put on it. Now that L.J. is bigger and I'm not on bed rest of any kind chances of him coming early are likely. I'd just like to make it to at least 37 weeks (full term) which is actually next Friday (my birthday). If he comes at any point after that we're out of the woods and L.J. shouldn't have any issues.
So fingers crossed for a full term baby, but not an over-cooked one. I think at this point going beyond 40 weeks is my biggest fear!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Finishing Touches
So I couldn't help posting the finished pictures of the nursery! The shades are up and the chair is assembled and in its place. We also have a 2 and 1 swing/bouncer...I love it! Hopefully L.J. does too.

And now all there's left to do is prep myself mentally for the stitch removal. I had some cramping today but I'm sure its no big deal. Probably just doing too much. I'm in the process now of packing my hospital bag seen as if after the cerclage comes out I have no idea whats going to happen and I guess its better safe than sorry.
These are the outfits I've chosen for my little man to come home in:
Anyway I better get back to attempting to pack before I lose all motivation. :D
And now all there's left to do is prep myself mentally for the stitch removal. I had some cramping today but I'm sure its no big deal. Probably just doing too much. I'm in the process now of packing my hospital bag seen as if after the cerclage comes out I have no idea whats going to happen and I guess its better safe than sorry.
These are the outfits I've chosen for my little man to come home in:
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Baby Shower/Nursery and Updates (picture heavy)
So I wanted to blog about the baby shower and nursery a couple of days ago but blogger was on the fritz! Anyway, the baby shower was great! Hubby and I really enjoyed ourselves! We had a sports-themed baby shower, which meant people were supposed to wear the jerseys or hats of their favorite sports team. Some participated and some didn't. But overall the event was fun and light-hearted and we received sooooo many gifts!
LOL...our hats! :)
Here are a few pics:
Me in my Redskins gear!
My Sorors
Men sucking juice out of the bottles! Hilarious!

A great time was had by all! Needless to say after all the gifts were transported to the house I had to have plenty of help! My aunt, mom, mother in law and two cousins helped me organize and get everything into the nursery. However, I had to wash ALL the clothes:
Yea! Lots of clothes! Keep in mind that this doesn't include the clothes my mother and I had already started to accumulate at her house. LOL! No matter at least I won't have to go clothing shopping for a while...right?
And now...the long awaited nursery:

Hubby just finished putting together the 2 and 1 swing/bouncer and we finally got the shades up. We're waiting on the rocking chair, lamp and a few small items, but other than that the nursery is finished! Mom, hubby, dad and I all worked so hard to finish everything. I'm so glad the big stuff is done and all that's left to do is very minor.
I had a great doctor's appointment this past Friday. Of course they checked my cervix and because of the cerclage its still closed and of course the cerclage is still in place. This coming Friday is D day for the cerclage. It's coming out! At this point L.J. should be about 5lbs or so and he may make his appearance shortly after the cerclage comes out. Yay!
My doctor informed me that L.J. will be over 6lbs...that's a good size baby! I'm happy as long as he's healthy. My doctor even asked me what my plans were for my birthday (May 27th...I'll be 37 weeks). I asked him sarcastically...."I'm not sure but what should I do" He suggested that if I go out that I go out near Holy Cross Hospital which is where I'll deliver. *Sigh* no offense but I want to enjoy my birthday not be couped up in the house! :( It's my LAST birthday in my 20's so I just want to be out on the town with my friends and hubby. But I guess going into labor and having a baby on my birthday would be an awesome gift! :) Either way I haven't made any plans so we'll see what happens.

And now...the long awaited nursery:

I had a great doctor's appointment this past Friday. Of course they checked my cervix and because of the cerclage its still closed and of course the cerclage is still in place. This coming Friday is D day for the cerclage. It's coming out! At this point L.J. should be about 5lbs or so and he may make his appearance shortly after the cerclage comes out. Yay!
My doctor informed me that L.J. will be over 6lbs...that's a good size baby! I'm happy as long as he's healthy. My doctor even asked me what my plans were for my birthday (May 27th...I'll be 37 weeks). I asked him sarcastically...."I'm not sure but what should I do" He suggested that if I go out that I go out near Holy Cross Hospital which is where I'll deliver. *Sigh* no offense but I want to enjoy my birthday not be couped up in the house! :( It's my LAST birthday in my 20's so I just want to be out on the town with my friends and hubby. But I guess going into labor and having a baby on my birthday would be an awesome gift! :) Either way I haven't made any plans so we'll see what happens.
Friday, May 6, 2011
This and That
So the much awaited baby shower is tomorrow! Needless to say I'll be doing some running around with my Mother and Mother in Law today in preparation for the shower. I'm so excited to see everyone and finally be able to go shopping for things we need but don't receive from the shower (yes I'm a bit of a shop-a-holic...recovering though :) )
YES I admit I've been registry stalking. So far not much has been purchased but I'm not going to worry I'll be thankful for whatever we receive from friends and family. We actually already received two gifts in the mail so we'll see what happens. I know a lot of family and friends that are coming to the shower are very last minute shoppers so I'm sure all will be fine! And if not again...SHOPPING!!!!
I've also been dying to post nursery pictures, but I only want to show the finished product and unfortunately, the furniture is in place but windows still need to be washed, shades put up and the bed set needs to be purchased (hoping to get this tomorrow as a gift). Needless to say much has been done but there's still more to do. But after this weekend the goal will be to finish everything before next weekend.
Hubby and I had a maternity photo shoot last Friday, which initially I was really excited about then I canceled it due to monetary concerns and just feeling blah about my appearance. But my Mom rescued me from my feelings and told me to reschedule the shoot, which I did but with a different photographer. So happy Hubby and I decided to move forward with this and for your viewing pleasure this is the photo we chose to display at the shower:
As far as L.J. goes, the last appointment when measurements were taken he was 3 lbs 8oz. This was about 3 weeks ago and I'm not sure when I'll be getting another ultrasound for measurements since this ultrasound served as my last cervical check (Thank God). I do have an appointment next week and after that I go weekly until L.J. gets here! I'm soooo excited that the pregnancy is coming to an end and in a few short weeks Hubs and I will be parents!
Well once the shower is over I'll be back to of course post pics!
YES I admit I've been registry stalking. So far not much has been purchased but I'm not going to worry I'll be thankful for whatever we receive from friends and family. We actually already received two gifts in the mail so we'll see what happens. I know a lot of family and friends that are coming to the shower are very last minute shoppers so I'm sure all will be fine! And if not again...SHOPPING!!!!
I've also been dying to post nursery pictures, but I only want to show the finished product and unfortunately, the furniture is in place but windows still need to be washed, shades put up and the bed set needs to be purchased (hoping to get this tomorrow as a gift). Needless to say much has been done but there's still more to do. But after this weekend the goal will be to finish everything before next weekend.
Hubby and I had a maternity photo shoot last Friday, which initially I was really excited about then I canceled it due to monetary concerns and just feeling blah about my appearance. But my Mom rescued me from my feelings and told me to reschedule the shoot, which I did but with a different photographer. So happy Hubby and I decided to move forward with this and for your viewing pleasure this is the photo we chose to display at the shower:

Well once the shower is over I'll be back to of course post pics!
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