Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Age of Old

Morn-ting! I know I've been away! And might I say it was a happy and drama-free "away." But all things (good and bad) must come to and end and so here I am folks!

So, today I wanted to share my thoughts of impending old age...the BIG 3-0! Now I know what you must be thinking, why does she think 30 is old? Well because to me it is. Then again, you're reading the thoughts of someone who thought 25 was old and subsequently had a mild early life crisis! LOL. I know I'm a bit of a DQ, but hey, these are my thoughts and my blog so don't judge me! :p

Anyway, my hubby just turned 30 and I'm two years behind him and as of late I've been thinking to know maybe 30 isn't as bad as I think it is. I would be entitled to my 30 and over club card...LOL! Naw but seriously, I think my big hang up with 25 and here again with the 30 is not really being in a place where I thought I would be.

Don't get me wrong, I have a good life and I truly feel blessed, but there are certain areas in my life where I am not satisfied. Some things are beyond my control and I constantly remind myself that its just not time. However, other things are definitely in my control and as such, I have made the following goals for myself for the next two years:

1. Get it Tight and Get it RIGHT- YES! I'm taking my health in my own hands and making sure that by the time I'm 30, I'll look 21! :) I've already started to eat better and cut some things out of my diet. Now once I incorporate the exercise piece to this, there is NO stopping the kid!

2. Set Us FREE!- YES! By the time I'm 30, I will be debt free! Now don't get me wrong, the student loans will be here for a while, but my goal is to have my car and credit cards paid completely off! Yup, it's time to tighten that belt.

3. Vogue- YES! I gotta get a new I'm not sure what this will be yet. I've already hacked away at my locs but I'm trying to decide if I want them completely gone, or if I want to let them grow out again, or if I want a new color....who knows! All I can say is that by 30, my hair and my style will be taking a turn and hopefully for the better! I don't want to wind up on one of those my friend can't dress for nothing and her hair is a mess shows! Yikes!

Those are my three goals and more will probably come into play, but for now those are my top three! See, this time around instead of complaining about how I'm not where I want to be, well I'm going to do something that I couldn't do when I was 25....take responsibility! These three goals I can control. Therefore, I will do everything I can to make sure I succeed. All the other stuff I leave to God. And you know what, if I don't accomplish these goals I can either rest in the fact that I tried my best or I can be disappointed knowing that I could have down better.

And if you know this reformed DQ, you know that the latter is not even an option! :)

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