Few, far and in between pretty much sums up the amount of time I have to clean the house, sleep, apply for a new job, blog, cook...well you get the point. However, while many things are being neglected I can't say I regret it. I love spending time with L.J. he smiles a lot more now and every time he does it, its like I'm seeing his smile for the first time. It absolutely melts my heart!
I can't help but wish my maternity leave wasn't coming to an end. I have six more weeks until I go back to work! YIKES! I was actually hoping to not go back to my current employer. But again...few far and in between....describes the amount of jobs in my field...*sigh* Needless to say I feel blessed to still have a job but I can't help but want more for myself and my family. Oh well what can I say I knew my maternity leave would have to come to an end at some point so for now I guess I'll just enjoy the rest of it and try to keep my mind off of work.
So another thing that is few, far and in between is the amount of time I have to pump! Between trying to keep up with L.J. and how often he wants to eat and attempting to suck it up and pump...yikes! I have like zero supply for him for when I return to work. Ugh! At this point I feel like I should be producing at least 3-4 bags a day. Currently I'm only able to do one....hopefully I can figure something out soon or he'll be getting formula while I'm at work and only getting breastmilk when I'm at home. Of course I know breast is best so I'm going to try my hardest to get to pumping.
Welp, duty calls! Sounds like lil man is waking up...*sigh* oh well at least I got a small break :)